Monday, May 28, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Anders is taking swimming lessons at the YMCA.  He particularly likes jumping off the side, shaking his wet head "like a dog" and paddling his arms.  He DOES NOT like going under the water, yet....!  

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's day!

Our Mother's Day was so much fun!  We took a long canoe ride with Aunt Sandy and Rob, and saw turtles, frogs, ducks and tadpoles.  Here is Anders looking right at a baby turtle, which I have correctly identified as a painted turtle.  We scooped it up with a net, and of course returned it to the water when we were done looking at it...but not until after Anders held it and surprisingly dropped it into the bottom of the boat. (I don't think the turtle liked that very much!)  All of the turtles we saw were these yellow and red painted turtles, but we also got to see a large snapping turtle all tucked into the mud. It was so cool!

There were lots of trillium bursting out all over so we decided to take photographs amidst the enthusiastic blossoms.  This purple one was a real beauty - properly called Wake-Robin Trillium, because its color, like a Robin's, also heralds Spring.  

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cute Diaper

One of the drawbacks of overalls is that they can unsnap and let in a bit too much cold air.  Here is Anders squatting down on his new rock "jump station," oblivious to the big gap in his overalls...he's just happy to have a place to jump from.