Saturday, April 30, 2016

You Are the Sunshine, Judy


You Are the Sunshine, Judy 

A little song and dance performance to be done by the staff and family of IAA

Friday, April 29, 2016

May is Awesome, But I'm Better

In this video, Kuba is reading the back and forth responses that were written between him and his friend May.  I think this is one of my most favorite video's of the year.  I love everything about their clever little minds.  Here's their play by play:

May:  May is awsome!

Kuba:  but I'm beter

May:  No your not

Kuba:  Prove it

May:  ok

Kuba:  how

May:  I skydived off the effle tower in Paris with Sabien

Kuba:  I parishutet off mont everest

May:  I jumped off mt. everest and I am still alive 

Kuba:  I tamed 54 full grone liens

May:  I swam with 2,102 sharks and 9,199 puffer fish which I think are posines

Kuba:  Maybe you did that - but I set a playdate with an owl

May:  I had lunch with 9,162 poler bear's    they were dilited to have some company!

Kuba:  that's not surprising kumpared to this:
I ate 21 frogs 
3 baby pufer fish 
152 snails 
and drank a cup of frog pee 

The end

Animal Play, continued...

I am wondering when the "last day" of animal play will happen between the boys.  Will I even notice it?  I am sooo happy it hasn't come yet.   I hope we get another 3 years out of them.  We continue to have a large basket full of animals and the boys continue to engage in imaginative games involving the wicked cool assortment of animals they have collected over the years.  Still fun, still all consuming, still can last for hours at time and still one of my favorite ways they play.   Hurrah for toy animals and hurrah for big imaginations! 

Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones...

and so will little brothers when they fall on your finger. 

Anders fractured his finger yesterday, small finger on his right hand.  He was goofing around with his brother and two friends when Kuba managed to jump down and land on his finger.  After a few hours in the ER, his finger is secure in a metal splint.  Anders won't be able to play piano for awhile.  I think he won't be able to participate at his piano recital next month either.  I'm pretty sure he is not too disappointed about that consequence.  You lose some you win some.      

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


    This is one of my favorite places to take the boys.  There are giant concrete balls all over the site and these particular 9 have been a steady source of joy for the boys for as many years as they've been alive.   Many games have been played here - hide and seek the most favorite, but we've reached a new high!  This is the first time that they've ever been able to jump from one to the other!

Who Says Grandmothers Aren't Cool??

You might not guess it from Kuba's expression, but he really loves his grandma.  

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Squirrel or Thief???

I have been searching for my reading glasses...and each day has been more and more difficult to locate a pair.   I've been wondering where the hell I've been putting them,  so I chalked it up to feeling forgetful with so much going on in my busy life.     

That was...until I discovered just why 
my glasses have been disappearing.   


Saturday, April 2, 2016