Anders turned fourteen on a bright blue Tuesday this year.
The sun was shining and it was a cloudless winter sky.
Just like the day he was born.
We celebrated with a birthday wake up, and later a delicious dinner with family.
Roast beef, mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus,
followed by a yummy sponge cake with whipped cream and berries.
Anders thirteenth year was a year of growth.
7th grade firmly under his belt, 8th grade almost finished, and 9th grade right around the corner. Next year when I write his birthday post he'll be in high school.
Highlights of the year?
He aced his school work, especially Mr. Battail's class - an honor student all around.
He ran cross country for a third season,
took afterschool tennis and sailing lessons, joined the school play,
played in the orchestra for the third year, and maintained a passion for
his favorite video games in his available spare time. Roblox and Minecraft?
This was the year of GROWTH.
Anders grew 5 inches this year!
He needed a constantly changing bigger wardrobe to accommodate his
longer arms, even longer legs and giant feet. His voice is changing.
He attended 24 weeks of OWL (sex ed) classes at the UU church this year.
He got asked to a school dance for the first time, by a girl.
He said no.
He skied on Fridays evenings with Ben and Finley for a second year.
He lost all of his molars and needs braces.
He got a dog.
He made some new friends, but maintained his loyalty to his chosen few.
He had a happy year. A good year.
He remains our steady, unassuming boy.
Kind, dedicated, self guided and motivated.
Happy birthday Anders!
14 is going to suit you well.