Saturday, January 30, 2021

Life With 13 and Almost 16 Year Old Boys

 When the boys were young, I often would just write about them without adding photos.  Just an update on their lives.  I haven't done that in a long, long while.  I don't know why I stopped because there is certainly a lot of things to write about them.

Lately, there's been almost a full revolution of life with covid and boys.  It's taken a for-granted ordinary life and upended it.  School, vacations, time with friends and family - pretty much everything has changed, diminished in some way.  At first perhaps it was a bit novel and exciting, and the gift of time was just amazing.   And now eleven months later it's no longer fun or new.  It's borderline boring and crazy making.  

So how has it affected our boys or our life with boys?

Well Kuba turned into a teenager this covid year, and Anders will turn sweet 16 in a few weeks.  Both are milestone birthdays. Celebrated in small ways compared to years past.  

Kuba continues to go to school only 2 days per week, with 3 remote days at home.  Honestly - it's far from inspiring.  He does it, but without much enthusiasm for learning.  He has been doing Very Merry all year and his excitement for drama and theater might be even larger than before.  I just started teaching his class in school and his group is equally unenthused about school.  On the days he is home - he is pretty much on his own, as Anna works and Anders usually works from her office.   I think he's spending WAY too much time on technology playing games.   He has also gotten super into Pokemon.  Both collecting cards as well as playing Pokemon battles.  I believe I have played 40 games with him since we started keeping track.  Also, Anna and Anders have played a ton of games with him too.  s We have probably had more than 100 Pokemon battles in the past three months.  Add to that the hundreds we played prior to our "keeping track" score sheet and you'd think I'd be good at the game by now.  Nope, I still lose 2 to 1 every time I play him. 

Anders has been doing school all year through a program called Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative.  He learns online - pretty much on his own, and honestly he's been remarkable.  We accidentally signed him up for way too many courses Semester 1,  6 classes in all, plus Swedish, Jewelry Making and rowing.  The kid was flat out with work.  It was a monumental effort on his part and he did REALLY WELL!!!  So well in fact, that I sort of want to just boast about it all the time.  He is so driven and skilled at learning. I am beyond impressed.  He is now in his second semester and has less classes, rowing is over but now he is on the Nordic Ski team.  Happy about it for sure.  His social life is pretty much limited to his ski practices and his time playing games on line, or his time with his one neighborhood friend. 

Things I notice about them:

1.  They are in for fun whenever it rears it's head. 

2.  They are kind boys.

3.  They are tall...very tall now.  

4. They mostly don't like vegetables - still - though sometimes will eat raw carrots, salad and the occasional edamame.  

5. Anders LOVES playing video games - a ton.  Especially a game called ARK, he also plays Minecraft, and TABS.  YouTube is a favorite to watch. Often video games are his main contact with friends who live out of the neighborhood.

6.  Anders is doing a mentorship program through the Generator Maker Center - not sure about all of the details but he and a few other friends have a mentor and are doing some maker stuff.  They are making a wooden version of Catan, and learning about woodworking and laser cutting too.  

7.  Kuba's biggest joy comes from Very Merry Theater group and Pokémon.  He loves Very Merry more than words can say.

8.  Kuba keeps his passion for Pokémon private.

9.  Both boys do like playing D&D with their cousin in NH.

10.  Neither like to share their thoughts and feelings a lot, but Kuba is passionate when he does - EXPLOSIVE Anger, EXHUBERANT JOY.  It's like pulling taffy to get things out of Anders.  

11. They are in charge of dinner dishes now and mainly do a good job. 

12.  They are nice kids...still.

13.  They continue to grow.  Anders is probably 6' by now and Kuba is not far behind him.  Kuba is about to hit is growth spurt.  

14.  We all love dinner together and the boys are more interested than ever in what is being served.

15.  Anders shared that he'd rather have a good meal than a clean house.  

16.  They love the dog and cat....a lot.  

17.  They don't visit Grandma in the back very much unless they are asked.  When they do, they are loving.  

18. Instruments have NOT been a part of Covid learning.  Anders is not doing violin this year and Kuba is barely practicing Cello.  In fact, it's sort of a waste of money to rent it.

19.  Anna and I continue to adore them to the extreme.  Even though we sometimes get annoyed with them.  

20.  They like to spend a lot of time on the couch, especially this winter, under blankets while looking at screens!  UGH!  Screens!  

Monday, January 25, 2021

Madam Harris

Madam Kamala Harris
"I know that greatness lies in you
Remember from here on in
history has its eyes on you"

The Hill We Climb

The Hill We Climb

When day comes we ask ourselves,

where can we find light in this never-ending shade?

The loss we carry,

a sea we must wade

We've braved the belly of the beast

We've learned that quiet isn't always peace

And the norms and notions

of what just is

Isn't always just-ice

And yet the dawn is ours

before we knew it

Somehow we do it

Somehow we've weathered and witnessed

a nation that isn't broken

but simply unfinished

We the successors of a country and a time

Where a skinny Black girl

descended from slaves and raised by a single mother

can dream of becoming president

only to find herself reciting for one

And yes we are far from polished

far from pristine

but that doesn't mean we are

striving to form a union that is perfect

We are striving to forge a union with purpose

To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and

conditions of man

And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us

but what stands before us

We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,

we must first put our differences aside

We lay down our arms

so we can reach out our arms

to one another

We seek harm to none and harmony for all

Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:

That even as we grieved, we grew

That even as we hurt, we hoped

That even as we tired, we tried

That we'll forever be tied together, victorious

Not because we will never again know defeat

but because we will never again sow division

Scripture tells us to envision

that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree

And no one shall make them afraid

If we're to live up to our own time

Then victory won't lie in the blade

But in all the bridges we've made

That is the promise to glade

The hill we climb

If only we dare

It's because being American is more than a pride we inherit,

it's the past we step into

and how we repair it

We've seen a force that would shatter our nation

rather than share it

Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy

And this effort very nearly succeeded

But while democracy can be periodically delayed

it can never be permanently defeated

In this truth

in this faith we trust

For while we have our eyes on the future

history has its eyes on us

This is the era of just redemption

We feared at its inception

We did not feel prepared to be the heirs

of such a terrifying hour

but within it we found the power

to author a new chapter

To offer hope and laughter to ourselves

So while once we asked,

how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?

Now we assert

How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?

We will not march back to what was

but move to what shall be

A country that is bruised but whole,

benevolent but bold,

fierce and free

We will not be turned around

or interrupted by intimidation

because we know our inaction and inertia

will be the inheritance of the next generation

Our blunders become their burdens

But one thing is certain:

If we merge mercy with might,

and might with right,

then love becomes our legacy

and change our children's birthright

So let us leave behind a country

better than the one we were left with

Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest,

we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one

We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west,

we will rise from the windswept northeast

where our forefathers first realized revolution

We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states,

we will rise from the sunbaked south

We will rebuild, reconcile and recover

and every known nook of our nation and

every corner called our country,

our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,

battered and beautiful

When day comes we step out of the shade,

aflame and unafraid

The new dawn blooms as we free it

For there is always light,

if only we're brave enough to see it

If only we're brave enough to be it

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Democracy Has Prevailed

In celebration of this day and moment, 
I baked a lemon Democracy Cake! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Baby You're a Firework, Come on show 'em what you're worth!

From Grandma's living room we all watched the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Chills.  Brilliance. 
Joy. And of course - FIREWORKS!

"You just gotta ignite the light
and let it shine
just own the night 
Cause baby, you're a firework
come on show 'em what you're worth
make 'em go aah, aah, aah  
as you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework 
make 'em go aah, aah, aah  
You're gonna leave them all in awe, awe, awe"


Tuesday, January 19, 2021



Thursday, January 7, 2021

Capitol Riot

On January 6th, congress met to formalize the win for Joe Biden. Additionally, thousands of Trump supporters also met to protest Biden's win and the "theft" of Trump's supposed win.  Trump spoke at this rally, enraging  his followers and basically spurring on a riot at the Capitol Building.  Trump supporters broke into the Capitol Building while congress was meeting.  They had to be evacuated for safety.  Rioters busted doors down, broke windows, smeared poop on statues, broke into offices, all while carrying weapons and zip ties to handcuff and take hostages.  It was a nightmare.
It was one of the most significant moment in American history.
One week later and we are still sorting out what happened.
The house is trying to impeach the president - again.
The president is silent. 5 people were killed.
The flag was just moved to half mast yesterday, 5 days later.
I am sickened, anxious, fearful, and terrified for this country.
January 20th cannot come soon enough.
I do not know what kind of a future our boys will have if this wave of horror continues. 


Friday, January 1, 2021

Fabulous Grandma

I wanted to post just about Grandma.  
She'll be 95 this year - which is more than remarkable. 
And honestly, the woman is amazing.
Despite the fact that she cannot see, cannot hear and cannot really walk, 
she continues to strive for JOY.  
She laughs as she delightedly pokes fun at her aging self.
Yet, at the same time, she complains and is baffled at the same time, 
stubbornly refusing to believe she is old.   
I admire her.
Her beauty - her insistence on looking beautiful daily, 
with matching earrings and outfits never ends.
Here she is on New Year's Eve, looking simply stunning.
It is past midnight here and she cheerfully blows the horn, heralding the New Year.
May it be a good one for Grandma. 

Baked Alaska - Not as Easy as it Seems

I wanted to make a fancy dessert for the New Years.
So - based on never having had this dessert, I decided to make a Baked Alaska.
Somewhere in my youth and childhood, I must have decided baked Alaska was fancy.  And- honestly it was...and it wasn't.
The making was easy enough. I started out with a variety of ice creams - pistachio, cherry, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate.  I placed them in a bowl together and then froze it. Next, I set about baking a pound cake. This became the bottom of the Bakes Alaska, underneath the ice cream dome. After this, I whip upped a batch of vanilla meringue. I covered the entire dome with this delicious marshmallow like meringue, creating this enormous and somewhat grotesque white dome. All of us took turns torching the meringue to toast it and to create a lovely pattern of white and brown.   The final result was lovely.  
We then baked it in a hot oven for about 5 minutes to toast it even more.
It was brought to the table in a grand style!  
We all ooohed and aaahed. Here's where the tragedy struck.   
When I attempted to slice it - the outer meringue began to slide off of the ice cream dome.  Slowly, like an iceberg sheds the next layer of ice!
We all screamed and jumped to save the fallen meringue.
It couldn't be saved.  It had to fall.  
It didn't really matter by then.
We continued to slice the ice cream dome, and shared it among all 5 of us. 
We added the fallen meringue as a topping, hot chocolate sauce and some toasted almonds. It looked disastrous in the end, but we didn't care.
It tasted fabulous.  
Perhaps we missed a step along the way??  
I am certain in fancy restaurants the meringue doesn't just slide into the ocean.  


Happy 2021

"And suddenly you know...
It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings." 


A to Z Memories from 2020

 A - Anna Grace our sailboat, Anders Ant Farm, making Art, visiting Artist studios this summer 

B - Black Lives Matter, Backyard, Blackberries, BIDEN, Bravelands, so much Baking, Barn art studio, flower Boxes, meditation Balcony, Breonna Taylor, 

C - Covid-19, Coronavirus, Catalina-22, Computer gaming, Collages, homebaked Croissants  

D - Dog walks, Docks, Drawing Pokémon

E - End of trump, E-10,  EMS

F - Family & Friends, Fifteen, Fifty-two, one big FISH, picking Fruit, Floating Bridge, Flattening the Curve, Forest Fires 

G - George Floyd, new Gaming computer, Grandma, homemade Granola

H - our HOME and being Home a lot, Hello Dolly Bars, Hammock, the Horizon 

I - Intervale 

J - Jewelry class with Jane Frank 

K - Kamala Harris!

L - Lake Champlain, Lemon Fair Outdoor Sculpture Park, Lemon bars 

M - wearing face Masks, beachstone Mosaic, Ferry Dock Marina, Murder Hornets  

N - Nature - as much as we could get of it

O - Out of doors, home Office, backyard Oasis, Online school

P - Pandemic, PPE, backyard Pizza Oven, Pokémon battles, Politics, Pie, Poetry 

Q - Quarries, Quarantine

R - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Remote Learning, Reading, Read Aloud, Rowing Team

S - Social Distancing for 3/4 of the year, Shelter in place, Sailing, turning Sixty, Seventh Grade, Summer Club, Swedish Lessons, the Sky, Swimming as much as possible, Summer 

T - Tiger, Thea, Time, Thirteen, Tenth Grade, Tops, Toilet Paper shortage 

U - Ultimate Frisbee

V - Very Merry, VTVLC, tiny Vacations, first female VICE President of the USA, Vaccine 

W - finding Wild berries, taking Walks 

X - X-country team

Y - homemade Yogurt

Z - Zoom, Zoonotic, Zoe