Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Things are changing in our house rather quickly these days.
Anna, like most of the architects we know, just found out she is out of a job as of next week. Did I just say she lost her job? Yup.
That is a big deal! I am just a part-time teacher and a big chunk of my salary goes to paying our families health insurance.

So, we've decided to change our living situation.
Divide the house into two!
Our house used to be a duplex but we have been living in it as a single family for the past 5 years or more.
But...necessity is the mother of invention.
We are in the process of clearing out so that we can install the kitchen again upstairs, and build a wall downstairs to create our bedroom. For those of you who don't know our house, we will be living in a one bedroom 700 square foot space.... and renting out the upstairs which is even smaller. But, the upstairs apartment has the better washer and dryer!
Luckily we have the option to even do such a thing.

We remain optimistic about this change.

More later....

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