Sunday, November 29, 2009


I was just reading other blog posts and of course I opened this one, from a blog called 37 days.
The post was about magic. Wasn't I just writing about magic last night?

Here is part of it:

It got me to thinking about magic.
Where does real magic come from? You must read what one mother wrote about this, in a letter to her son who had figured out that the Tooth Fairy wasn't  "real." It is one of the most beautiful things I've read in a long, long while. While we believe you either believe or don't believe, here's one mother who believes there is a magical, third way.
Here's an excerpt from that post by Liz Emmett-Mattox, a letter she wrote her son:

"Dear AJ,

Today you crossed one of the many bridges on the journey from the world of the child to the world of the adult. You have found out that magic sometimes comes through ordinary people.
This is an important discovery, but please do not think that you have learned all there is about magic. Crossing this bridge means that you are ready to begin to apprentice a lifelong study of the true nature of magic.
What you need to know now is that some people who cross this bridge think that magic doesn’t exist at all. They become skeptical. This is a danger you will have to watch out for.
The second thing to know is that you can now make magic. Learning to do this will give you and those around you great joy.
Now that you have crossed this bridge, you may have to look a bit harder to find the magic in the world, but know this: those who don’t believe in magic will never find it, while those who look and expect to see magic will find it everywhere."

Go here to read the whole post.

" can now make magic. Learning to do this will give you and those around you great joy."

"Those who look and expect to see magic will find it everywhere."

Wow. That, my friends, is real magic.

Let magic flow through you, my (extra)ordinary friends.

My thanks to Santa. And to Liz Emmett-Mattox for that beautiful post about magic.

Magic sometimes comes through ordinary people.

Be ordinary. Be magic.

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