Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas 2023

This Christmas had some kinks.
The first being that Peter and Jen were going to host the Thelemarck's on December 24th. Then we were going to celebrate Christmas day with Sandy at our house and Anna's brothers and mother would have Christmas day without us.  But - fate did not allow that.  Peter got covid and so the plans changed. 
We did meet up as a big group at Peter’s house to exchange gifts, outside in the backyard with Pete masked up. Later that day we hosted Christmas Eve without Peter, Jen and Kaj. The next day we had Christmas brunch with Claes and Vikki and Sandy, and Christmas dinner with Sandy and Barbro.  Lots of last-minute changes! We rolled with it, but it felt a bit confusing at times. We really missed Jen, Pete and Kaj.  Also, perhaps it was odd because Lea and Hannah were not here either and they add so much life to the mix.  We still managed to have a delicious Swedish Christmas eve and a mellow and relaxed Christmas day.  Next year we are heading to Buffalo. Hopefully, covid won't become a regular part of our holiday celebrations and derail next year too!

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