Thursday, December 26, 2024

Oplatek - My Favorite Polish Tradition

In my Polish Catholic family our Christmas holiday is steeped in tradition. There is one part in particular that is my favorite - the sharing of the Christmas wafer called oplatek.

Oplatek is a thin wafer - sort of like a communion wafer - that is made of wheat and water.  It is a rectangular shape and is embossed with a nativity scene. This gets broken into smaller pieces and put on a platter for all to take. Oplatek is flavorless really, and if it tastes like anything at all, I’d say it tastes like a piece of cardboard.  The flavor is irrelevant though, because its power is magnificent.  

Here’s the tradition: when the first star shines in the evening sky the celebration begins.  Wafer in hand, each member of the family pairs up with someone else. The pair exchanges both words and wafer.  It is a powerful moment of connection, the intention being to share a very personal wish for the new year.  As you share your wish with the other, they break off a piece of your wafer and eat it. Metaphorically speaking, it’s like ingesting your words. The words can be wishes, appreciations, confessions, and/or vulnerable moments of intimacy that can sometimes stop time and definitely bring the two of you closer.  There is laughter and tears and the silent sound of love as it floods the room. It is magnificent.  Once you are finished you move on and find another family member to exchange with.  This continues until every family member has shared with every other family member.  I have been a part of this family tradition for over sixty years. Knowing that the next generation is also experiencing this brings me so much hope.  

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