Sunday, January 4, 2015

Further Gratitudes

In about one hour the holiday vacation will have come to an end, and both boys will be in bed.  The backpacks are ready, boots and mittens laid out, and it's just a matter of waking, dressing, and getting breakfast before the next round of learning at school begins. 

Tonight as Anna and I prepared dinner the boys were sitting and playing with their animal assortment.  I videotaped their play for later, a time years from now when they can truly admire their imaginary and complimentary play.  It's pretty awesome.   They also had a list by their side with the group of things they needed to do before bed...practice piano, get on pajama's, brush teeth, and write a thank you card.   Without a word to Anna or I, they got up at their own discretion went to tackle the next thing on their list, happily.  Which is why I am taking this moment to write.  I am so conscious of how lucky I feel to be their mom.  They truly are the best kids ever.  Right now they are upstairs with Anna practicing and I am grateful.  Grateful that I have two very healthy young boys who are full of joy, are quite agreeable, and are quirky enough to be interesting.  They understood the night routine and are taking it on as if it is a piece of cake.  

It's often not easy being a parent.  There are countless ways that things can go wrong.  So much is out of our control, but sometimes I like to think we as parents have a lot of control.  Certainly about bedtimes, and dinner choices, and how to respond to them.  But also about that constant underlying teaching that goes on about goodness, and kindness, and love, and doing your best.  Often I feel (and sometimes I know) that my boys are truly learning these core values.  They are kind and thoughtful.  They are respectful and very honest.  They are eager to please and do what is right.  I love that.   I love that I can count on the fact that my children will not be mean or grow to bully others.    They are nice kids.  Really nice. 

I also love that they adore school, that going to school for them is easy.  There is no angst, anxiety, or fear as Monday approaches.  Just a quickening of the pace as they get themselves ready the night before, probably wondering what exciting thing might be happening tomorrow.   Certainly they will see their teachers again and their school chums.  And when they enter the classroom, I know that they are taking with them a big imagination and a giant, loving, heart of gold to share.  

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